Entheogens and Plant Medicine: An Introduction

Published on the Microdose.buzz website: https://microdose.buzz/news/entheogens-and-plant-medicine-an-introduction/

“The discussion around psychedelics and their use as adjuncts to therapy has been increasingly gaining attention, alongside a growing enthusiasm around “plant medicines” as alternatives to currently accepted treatments. This renaissance comes from growing evidence that psychedelics can help treat mental health issues such as PTSD, depression, end of life distress, OCD, and addiction. Plant medicines have been used for spirituality, healing, and community since time unknown, and we now find ourselves turning back to the plants for healing.

There are many vision-inducing plants found in nature, with many cultures having sought the divine through changes in consciousness, breathing techniques, singing & dancing, and a variety of plant medicines: the Soma of the Hindu Vedas, Huachuma at Chavin de Huantar, Teonanacatl used by the Aztecs, and the amazonian brew Ayahuasca represent a handful of sacred plants. We refer to these plants as entheogens.”


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