Where Do Magic Mushrooms Grow?

Published on the DoubleBlind website: https://doubleblindmag.com/mushrooms/about-magic-mushrooms/how-to-find-magic-mushrooms/

“Mushroom hunting, or more formally mushroom foraging, is an age-old practice, and even today in urban areas you will often see people out foraging for choice edibles. Being able to recognize the smells in the air, or knowing the right time of year or the necessary number of chilly dewy mornings for a flush of fresh sprouted mushrooms to naturally occur all lend to the wisdom passed down from generation to generation about how to forage for shrooms. And with it came myths, rules of etiquette, and most importantly, a sense of wonder and mystery. Sometimes, the mystery isn’t where or whether you’ll find some magic fungi, but instead whether they might find you.

Mushrooms grow in a variety of climates and habitats. In this article, we’ll discuss key points such as how to identify the best climate in your region for mushroom foraging, ways to find out what magic mushrooms grow in your area, and hints on where to look. Mushroom hunting can be a rewarding and satisfying adventure, a time to meditate on your own or share a fun day with friends, with the bonus of coming home with a backpack or basket of fresh magic mushrooms.”


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